
Friday, March 16, 2012

Weekly Review - Inner Senshi Transformation Devices

There are several versions of the Transformation/Henshin Pens and Wands from various acts of Sailor Moon.

Transformation Pen
The Oracle
The transformation pen ( 変身ペン - Henshin Pen )was the first item which the inner senshi (Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus) used to become sailor soldiers. The pens basically look the same but with varying colors and symbols depending on which senshi's pen it is, except in the manga, where Sailor Venus has a different pen.
To use the pen to transform, the owner would shout "(Planet) Power Make up!"
First Appearances:
Sailor Moon manga in Act 2- Ami: Sailor Mercury.
Sailor Moon Anime episode 8: "Is the Genius Girl a Youma? Brainwashing School of Terror" also with Sailor Mercury's pen. In the dubbed anime it was referred to as the transformation stick.

msmaria @ LJ
Bandai Japan 1992:
This pen set features Mercury and Mars Transformation pens. These are actual felt tip pens you could use. Though I'm sure by today they are all dried out! I know that the Pink pen has a pink felt tip, so I assume that the other two have a blue and red tip respectively.

This set is very rare! I have yet to see the actual set sell, I have only seen the pink Luna/Disguise Pen replica sell for $125.

Remember this item? I previously reviewed it in the Disguise Pen Review!

Candy Toy Pens
You'll have to forgive me as I know very little about the candy toy items other than the fact that they exist! However, when I find out more information I'll be sure to add it!

At the top of the photo you can see a few transformation pen replicas. These are all made of plastic pieces and were only released in Japan.

Star Power Stick

Mercury's Power Stick
The Star Power Stick  ( スター・パワー・スティック) is the second transformation device used by the inner senshi. Again these pens all look the same but with different colors and corresponding sailor symbol. To use the stick to transform, the owner would shout "(Planet) Star Power Make up!"

First Appearances:
Manga Act 14: Black Moon Koan-Sailor Mars. Anime Episode 62 (56 dub) "The Friendship of the Sailor Senshi! Goodbye Ami."

sakky @ deviantArt
Bandai Asia 1993:
 These two sets feature all of the inner senshi star power sticks released by Bandai. As you can see in the boxes, the tops of the wands come off, and actually hold nail polish! These are the most accurate versions of this item and are somewhat rare. Particularly the Venus/Jupiter set is incredibly hard to find and very expensive! The Mercury/Mars set is actually relatively cheap and much easier to get ahold of.

Price: The Mercury/Mars set tends to cost around $65 MIB. The Venus/Jupiter set is rarely seen and averages around $350.

Fun Fact: Apparently these were never actually given a name in the manga or anime, the "Star Power Stick" was the name given to them when Bandai released the actual merchandise.

Bandai Japan 1995:
This version of the wand was released with the SuperS merchandise line. It comes with four interchangeable discs, one for each inner senshi! This is a very rare item and it is even harder to find it with all of the pieces, let alone MIB. 

Requires: 2 AAA(?) batteries.

Operation: It lights up and makes a sound when you press the button. It's actually not all the exciting but the item itself looks lovely. Watch it here.

Price Range: I have seen one sell for nearly $250 MIB on eBay Germany. Otherwise I have only witnessed it selling loose from $50-150 in late 2010.

I actually owned one of these in terrible (non-working/beaten up) condition and only one of the discs once, but I sold it hoping I'd find a better one. Now I somewhat regret it since they are so hard to find!

Candy Toys
Again, I'm sorry to say that I know very little about these! But  I'm going to include them anyway.
There are several mini versions of the Star Power Stick in this candy toy form. To the left is a set
MIB, you can see a individual piece here.

To the right we have another example, you can see these came in pieces and had to be assembled.

This version on the left features a star with a golden sheen on top. It is part of the Sailor Moon World merchandise line.

On the far right we have a small piece which resembles the very top of the stick featuring Sailor Mars.

Crystal Change Rod
The Crystal Change Rod (クリスタル・チェンジ・ロッド) also known as the Crystal Transformation Rod (dub anime) it was given to the senshi by Pegasus in the SuperS anime. To use the rod to transform, the owner would shout "(Planet) Crystal Power Make up!"

First Appeared: Anime Episode 143 (dub 136) "Time to Believe the Pegasus! The Super Transformations of the Sailor Senshi." This item never actually appeared in the manga.


Bandai Japan 1995:
This version of the rod comes with four interchangeable discs for each senshi.  It also comes with an extra orb on a golden chain to carry around with you. This item is an IRS sender so it can interact with other IRS items to activate them to lights/sound in response. It is fairly accurate to the anime.  

Requires: 2 AAA Batteries 

Operation: Lights and plays a tune, followed by a recording of the inner senshi saying "Crystal Power Make Up!" as seen in this video.

Price: $50+ loose, $70-250 MIB in 2010-2011. It has sold for $185 MIB once in 2012 so far.

Candy Toy:
So far this is the only candy toy version of this item I have found (second from the right). It is from the Sailor Moon World line of Merchandise.

Do you have any more information on some of these items? Did I miss anything? Be sure to let me know! Feel free to ask me anything.

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